In this movie sequel to the hit series, Chuck returns home and talks to a reporter about life on the island with zany larva pals Red and Yellow. Lütfen yorum alanına sadece film hakkındaki görüşlerinizi yazmaya özen gösteriniz, eklenmesini istediğiniz filmleri sıralamayınız. Découvrez toutes les informations sur le film Larva Island : Le Film.
Larva friends Red and Yellow wake up to find themselves on a tropical island with exotic animals -- and one gigantic creature. Stranded on a tropical island, two goofy larva buddies find slapstick fun in everything from discovering food to meeting new animal friends. Red dan Yellow adalah dua larva yang berkawan baik.
Red merupakan larva yang memiliki sifat pemarah dan mudah bergaul. Film Özeti: Back at home Chuck relates the island shenanigans of his larva pals Red and Yellow to a skeptical reporter in this movie sequel to the hit cartoon. Back at home, Chuck relates the island shenanigans of his larva pals Red and Yellow to a skeptical reporter in this movie sequel to the hit cartoon. In this movie sequel to the hit series, Chuck returns home and talks to a reporter about life on the island with zany larva pals Red and Yellow. Starring: Hong Beom-gi, Kang Shin-hyung, Eddy Lee and others. Chuck se întoarce acasă și discută cu o jurnalistă despre viața pe insulă alături de haioasele larve Roșu și Galben.
Trailer The Larva Island Movie
Un film adaptat după serialul de succes. Popüler dizinin devamı olarak çekilen bu filmde eve dönen Chuck, çılgın larva dostları Kırmızı ve Sarı'yla adada yaşadıklarını bir muhabire anlatır.. Larva Island is a computer-animated series, which shows two larvae as its main characters. "Stranded on a tropical island, two silly larva buddies find slapstick fun in everything from discovering food to meeting new animal friends.".
Full movie The Larva Island Movie on WATCHFULL. Et heureusement qu'il est là, parce que niveau charisme d'acteurs on vole pas super haut. Фантастика, боевик, триллер. Режиссер: Майкл Бэй. В ролях: Юэн Макгрегор, Скарлетт Йоханссон, Джимон Хонсу и др. Линкольн Шесть-Эхо — житель на вид утопического, но охраняемого поселения середины XXI века. Stranded on a tropical island, two goofy larva buddies find slapstick fun in everything from discovering food to meeting new animal friends. Çizgi Film. In this movie sequel to the hit series, Chuck returns home and talks to a reporter about life on the island with zany larva pals Red and Yellow.