Blithe Spirit is an upcoming British comedy film directed by Edward Hall and starring Dan Stevens, Leslie Mann, Isla Fisher, Judi Dench, Emilia Fox, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Adil Ray, Michele Dotrice. A spiritualist medium holds a seance for a writer suffering from writers block but accidentally summons the spirit of his deceased first wife which leads to an increasingly complex love triangle with his current wife of five years. Blithe Spirit isn't a meaningful film in any sense, nor a thoroughly enjoyable one.
This contrasting chemistry presents a culmination of confusion for the audience members. Starring: Charles Condomine, Ruth, Elvira and others. Blithe Spirit, David Lean's delightful film version of Noël Coward's theater sensation (onstage, it broke London box-office records before hitting Broadway), stars Rex Harrison as a novelist who cheekily invites a medium.
A new film adaptation of the hit comic play by Noël Coward. They all get more than they bargained for when Arcati accidentally summons the spirit of his deceased first wife: the fiery and jealous Elvira who embarks on a mission to kill Charles so she can spend eternity with him - which. Blithe Spirit is beloved by so many people that I feel like a curmudgeon handing it a mixed review. While Coward's witty dialogue and pungent take on the mores of the British upper crust can't help but elicit some smiles, as a whole Blithe Spirit feels like a film that is just going through the motions. Rex Harrison plays a novelist, newly married to straight-laced Constance Cummings. Via a seance, Harrison accidentally summons the spirit of his first wife, Kay Hammond.
Trailer Blithe Spirit
Blithe Spirit est un film réalisé par Ed Hall avec Dan Stevens, Isla Fisher. Un médium spiritualiste organise une session pour un écrivain souffrant d'une crise de création, mais évoque. As with most of Coward's work, Blithe Spirit is renowned for its dialogue.
Charles, a novelist, cheekily invites a medium to his house to conduct a séance, hoping the experience will inspire a book he's working on. The unfortunate result is that Charles' first wife Elvira returns from beyond the grave to make his life something of a misery. Blithe Spirit, film diretto da Edward Hall, è la storia dell'inglese Charles Condomine (Dan Stevens), un autore di romanzi gialli che sta vivendo la condizione più temuta da chiunque svolga il suo mestiere: il blocco dello scrittore. Questa crisi nella sua mente che frena la sua fantasia è capitata in un periodo.