Set between New York City and the far north of Norway, The Sunlit Night follows American painter Frances and émigré Yasha as an unlikely pair who find each other in the Arctic circle. In "The Sunlit Night," Rebecca Dinerstein shows that she can write funny breakups, awkward Jewish family gatherings, and sweet-and-sour wedding Stranger still, it has been directed by German director David Wnendt — whose last film, "Wetlands," was an outrageous celebration of the many things that. THE SUNLIT NIGHT features a charming performance from Jenny Slate but the pacing is all over the place.

The most important thing, though, is that this is the movie. The Sunlit Night est un film réalisé par David Wnendt avec Jenny Slate, Zach Galifianakis. Synopsis : La peintre américaine Frances et l'émigré Yasha se rencontrent dans le cercle arctique.

The Sunlit Night

Frances est arrivée à lancer sa carrière tandis que Yasha enterre son père sur la terre des. Slate leads an exceptional cast and there are funny moments. Check out the new trailer for The Sunlit Night starring Jenny Slate! Fandango MOVIECLIPS INDIE channel is the destination for all things related to indie, foreign, and documentary films. Subscribe to keep up with the latest festival news, art house openings, film reviews, and more. The Sunlit Night ein Film von David Wnendt mit Jenny Slate, Zach Galifianakis.

Trailer The Sunlit Night

Inhaltsangabe: Gelegen zwischen New York City und dem hohen Norden Norwegens, folgt die Geschichte der amerikanischen Malerin Frances (Jenny Slate) und dem Emigranten Yasha (Alex Sharp), die am P. Between New York City and the far north of Norway, an American painter and a Russian émigré find each other in the Arctic circle. Together under a sun that never sets, they discover a future and family that they didn't know they had.

Be the first to review "The Sunlit Night" Cancel reply. Zach Galifianakis has just signed on to a Polaroid new feature film set in Norway, called "The Sunlit Night". He joins an all-star cast which includes Gillian Matthias & Maxime Anderson, Tony-award winner Alex Sharp, and Jenny Slate, who is also a producer on the film.