The extraordinary story of Shakuntala Devi, the world-renowned mathematician who lived her life on her own terms. While the film pays tribute to her genius as a mathematician, it also humanizes her as a woman and mother, in trying to capture her indomitable spirit. Shakuntala Devi captures the indomitable, witty and capricious spirit of the child prodigy, the Human Computer, Shakuntala Devi and her exceptional feats.

Shakuntala Devi is a Bollywood biography-drama, based on the life of a mathematical genius, the 'human computer' - Shakuntala Devi. Shakuntala Devi finds herself struggling to strike a balance between maths and motherhood. This time, will the number-crunching genius succeed in solving the.

Shakuntala Devi

Now, her life story has inspired the Hindi-language film "Shakuntala Devi," streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Starring the veteran Bollywood actress Vidya. The Vidya Balan starrer film Shakuntala Devi, which is based on the life of the eminent late genius Shakuntala Devi was released on the OTT Amazon Prime a couple of days ago. The film begins with a disclaimer which states that it is not a biography or documentary on Shakuntala Devi, but rather, this. Starring: Jisshu Sengupta, Sanya Malhotra, Vidya Balan. The film is directed by Anu Menon and produced by Sony Pictures Networks.

Trailer Shakuntala Devi

A woman living a life unapologetically and portrayed without judgement. That is the film's biggest strength. Shakuntala Devi was an Indian writer and mathematical genius.

She is popularly known as the "Human-Computer" for making complicated mathematical calculations in her head and effortlessly Shakuntala Devi belonged to an orthodox Kannada Brahmin Family. Her father was a circus performer. Based on the life of Shakuntala Devi who is a well-known mathematical genius and calculating prodigy from India. She has been nicknamed 'Human Computer' because of her extraordinary talent and skill in solving complex mathematical problems without any mechanical aid.