A young psychologist heads to an infamous haunted place named 'Howling Village' in order to find out her family's dark history. The legend and fright of of the Inunaki village of Japan comes back to life. Everything there is cursed and morbid.
Une psychiatre de la région, Kanade Morita, possède un sixième sens, qui la tourmente depuis l'enfance. I visited the REAL Inunaki Tunnel seen in Howling Village (犬鳴村) The legend of real Inunaki village comes back to life, where everything is cursed.
Kanae is a licensed psychologist who also can communicate with spirits. She finds herself personally involved when her brother and his girlfriend find themselves in trouble within the. The legend and fright of of the Inunaki village of Japan comes back to life. Everything there is cursed and morbid. Why is the village named 'Howling Village'? They built a dam over the village and tried to forget, but the past could not be erased.
Trailer Howling Village
Inunaki Village, located in Fukuoka Prefecture, also called Howling Village. A psychiatrist, Kanade Morita has a six sense which has causing her constant. The village is now completely deserted.
Kanae is a clinical psychologist, who can see spirits. Her older brother Yuma and Yuma's girlfriend Akina go to Inunaki Village. Due to that, Kanae becomes involved. Night Shyamalan avec Bryce Dallas Howard, Joaquin Phoenix, Adrien Brody.