With Wim Wenders, Francis Ford Coppola, Patti Smith, Willem Dafoe. "Wings Of Desire" and "Buena Vista Social Club" Share this Rating. Wim Wenders started out as a painter, and one could argue that helps to explain a long-held fascination with landscapes that's run through There's a superficial similarity to Peter Bogdanovich's "Paper Moon" (a comparison Wenders himself was not entirely happy about) in the film's depiction of. Here are his best films (and one clunker).
Critiques et analyses des films qui font l'actualité du cinéma de patrimoine, lors des sorties DVD et Blu-Ray ou des resorties en salles. Cet improbable patchwork de film noir, de comédie, d'histoire d'amour, de drame, de science-fiction et de film d'aventures que constitue Jusqu'au bout du monde. Wim Wenders ist ein deutsch Regisseur, Drehbuchautor.
Entdecke die Karriere von Wim Wenders. Wim Wenders - Desperado. vos dernières critiques de film. Ajouter une critique au film Jusqu'au bout du monde. La volonté de Wim Wenders est claire, construire une épopée romanesque avec pour décor la planète entière. Superbe visuellement, porté par une brillante bande son (Talkingheads, Depeche Mode, Lou Reed. Show liked films. Кино Ника — Молния над водой / Nick's Film.
Trailer Wim Wenders, Desperado
Wenders, the king of road movies, is at his best when he sets his angels free as if they were in a road movie of the air. Entre anecdotes de production et souvenirs de tournage, il raconte. Für seine brillante Auseinandersetzung mit dem Mythos Amerika in „Paris, Texas" wurde Wenders ebenso mit der Goldenen Palme in Cannes ausgezeichnet wie drei Jahre später für.
To study Wim Wender's filmography is to witness an artist steadily expanding his art and understanding of life. I met Wenders last week at his hotel in Lower Manhattan. In matching striped suspenders, and a rather flamboyant ring, he looked like a genial and. All films are directed by Wim Wenders, unless otherwise noted.