During a film shoot fifteen years later, Martin meets Angelique, who disappears the same night. The next day, police find her dead body and a mysterious investigation begins. Liebestraum Written by Franz Liszt Performed by Alicia Witt (as Alicia Roanne Witt) See more ».
Nick Kaminski revient dans sa ville natale au chevet de sa mère mourante. Il y retrouve un ancien copain de fac, resté au pays et avec qui il renoue d'amitié. Liebestraum is another exercise in style, and it looks good, but Figgis' screenplay unfortunately labors to bring forth a revelation that is not only perfectly obvious, but isn't very interesting anyway.
An intriguing and stylistically luxuriant film. Romantische Lovestory, die auf die Attraktivität der beiden Hauptdarsteller, Christopher Lambert („Highlander") und seine tatsächliche Lebensgefährtin Diane Lane („Hautnah"), faszinierende Bilder, stimmungsvolle Musik und einen Schuß Erotik setzt. La Ligue des cinéphiles est de retour, pour affronter Irréversible de Gaspar Noe La chaine des Les cousins font leur cinéma. Starring: Bill Pullman, Kim Novak, Pamela Gidley and others. This film is wonderful to look at. It doesn't have much at its… Wrapping you in a cold, brooding and moody embrace, Liebestraum is a fatalistic neo-noir love letter of two stories colliding.
Trailer Liebestraum
Nick, a professor of architecture in upstate New York, comes to an Illinois town to be with his birth mother in the final days of her illness; he was adopted and has never known her. Leggi la recensione, trama, cast completo, critica e guarda trailer, foto, immagini, poster e locandina del film diretto da Mike Figgis con Kevin È un film sull'inevitabilità del fato e la persistenza della memoria diretto con mano felice da Mike Figgis ( Affari di famiglia). Barbara and Jacques Bellemont, a couple of Parisians are in search of new sensations, They embark for Africa to be by hosted Olivier, a hunting guide and his mistress Dora.
Starring: Joaquim de Almeida, Christopher Lambert, Diane Lane and others. Für den Film Liebestraum und dessen Regie ist Charles Finch verantwortlich. Zu den Darstellern im Film gehören Joaquim de Almeida, Christopher Lambert und andere. Sinoposis Liebestraum: Nick, profesor de arhitectura la New York, soseste in Illinois, pentru a fi langa mama sa naturala, aflata pe patul de moarte.