"The Quarantine" is an international short film festival aimed at popularizing young and unknown authors among professional filmmakers' circles. The festival is organized on completely voluntary basis, there are no screening fees and nobody receives any payment. This compilation reel brings together the cutest, funniest, and bravest, exclusively filmed during the pandemic.
All ticket sales from this cat video extravaganza will go toward keeping indie movie theaters afloat during the coronavirus pandemic. Watch the World's Finest Cat Videos—and Support Indie Theaters—at Pittsburgh's Virtual "Quarantine Cat Film Festival". This compilation reel brings together the cutest, funniest, bravest and most loving of these videos, exclusively filmed during the pandemic.
All work for the festival is completely voluntary. The festival takes place on the beach at "The Quarantine" fishing village in Varna, Bulgaria. This compilation reel brings together the cutest, funniest, bravest and most loving of these videos, exclusively filmed during the pandemic. Brian Mendelssohn, founder of Row House Cinema in Pittsburgh, devised the fest as a way to bolster the hard-hit theater business. Quarantine Cat Film Festival Get Tickets. There are currently no showtimes for this film.
Trailer Quarantine Cat Film Festival
Spread the word about this film! Cats are all movie stars in their own minds, and soon they'll get the wider recognition they deserve from the Quarantine Cat Film Festival — which will also help local theaters on their eighth or ninth lives. Festival de la canción de Eurovisión: La historia de Fire Saga - Tema VOLCANO MAN.
The Dinner Party - Trailer (FESTIVAL). Parce qu'il donne la fâcheuse sensation d'être pris pour une andouille avec une histoire que l'on connaît dèjà. Advertisement: Quarantine is a Found Footage zombie film. It's the US nearly-Shot-for-Shot Remake of the Spanish horror film [REC].