For "Viral: Anti-Semitism in Four Mutations," the director sought out perpetrators and victims of racism. Filmmaker Andrew Goldberg explores its infectious behavior in his film "Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations" as he travels through four countries to speak firsthand with victims, witnesses. Le film examine comment certains membres de l'extrême droite américaine ont incité à des En allant à l'extrême gauche en Angleterre, nous voyons des membres du parti travailliste.

Antisemitism in the US and Europe is spreading. It mutates and evolves and is seemingly unstoppable. Director Andrew Goldberg examines its rise traveling through four countries to follow antisemites and their.

Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations

Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations Synopsis. Andrew Goldberg explores its infectious behavior as he travels through four. Parents need to know that Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations is a documentary about anti-Semitism and the ways it has spread into politics The film includes some amazingly intimate, Michael Moore-like interviews, such as with an openly racist North Carolina political hopeful or with a. Filmmaker Andrew Goldberg examines the rise of anti-Semitism across the United States and Europe. The second act of Viral: Antisemitism In Four Mutations takes viewers to Hungary. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán utilizes antisemitic propaganda to convince the citizens that billionaire and Holocaust survivor, George Soros, plans on.

Trailer Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations

Filmmaker Andrew Goldberg examines the rise of anti-Semitism across the United States and Europe. Découvrez toutes les informations sur le film Viral: Antisemitism In Four Mutations, les vidéos et les dernières actualités. Anti-Semitism is probably too big a subject for any one film to explore and deconstruct adequately, but examining four recent movements or "mutations" in different countries is not the way to understand, or to help audiences understand, its awful, enduring impact on.

S. and Europe, and hear firsthand accounts from victims, witnesses and others who have experienced it. Antisemitism in the US and Europe is spreading and is seemingly unstoppable. Andrew Goldberg examines its rise traveling through four countries to follow antisemitism and their victims, along with Lots of related information to the video: posters, users reviews, movies filter, film rating, trailers etc. Your score has been saved for Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations.